Wednesday, August 16, 2023

India need manners education not *** education (+15)

Hey all,

Welcome again...

Writing blog is always a hobby side of me, and most of the blogs of mine are limited to me and people near me.

But this I wish to be spread, and though many may or may not like it, I wish all of them to know it and think.

Let's start...

We all can see, there is a term that is in trend is "Sex education".

First we will see, what is sex education?
It is an education which is intended to give the formal education to all age of people based on their age.

To broadly put a light on it, it shall start from 5 year of age, where a child shall be taught about his body, and feelings and emotions. 

This make it seems cool, and it is actually good, but don't you think, it is happening already from long ago? Yes, it is happening. 

Then what is the need? 
The need of an hour is to teach the child throughout their education cycle slowly slowly exposing the necessary information for their ages.
In this regards, I find it a very good practice and I think till the age of 14-15 almost everyone get to know what intimacy is and what is going to be done in the course of action.

So, education is already getting exposed, but not from a professional person.

Now we shall give attention to the difference between formal sex education and informal exposure to the sex information. 

When, formal sex education is going to be given, it will teach one about their body, their feelings, emotions, respect the choice of other person, sex, etc. So the exposure to the sexual information is slowly being provided to the students, in a consistent manner.

But when there is informal exposure to sex information,  some students may get to know much about it, while others know nothing.

To conclude upon above difference,  formal sex education is must. But wait, what if I teach someone about Intercourse or Masturbation st the age of 13-14, who is not at all exposed to the sexual information through informal things. Surely that student will go home and search about it, and chances becomes very high of getting started with that thing. Which could then start increasing the hunger for more and could easily turn that student into an addict and if that person starts developing criminal mindset or aggressive hunger for the sex then it can turn him/her into a rapist.

Why this could happen?
The reason is simple, when a student gets some information about anything,  curiosity arises, when curiosity arises, the search of more and more information starts. 

Talking about me, I was knowing what is an intercourse from a very early age, then got some information from the friends about it, that too was from very early age and curiosity was on the pick, but seeking more information out of that curiosity, I wanted a medium where I could find all information, but having no internet or mobiles easily available 10-12 years back. I could just focus more on the studies, than focusing on my curiosities. 

But now a days, situation is different,  you just tell a student, "masturbation is the process of self pleasure or self sex", same day after school, that student will either ask parents, or search on the internet.

If he/she asks to parents, even if they tell positively, what that process is, and you should not do that more or not in the early age, but when the student is being told no, chances are higher he/she will go and search it on the internet and try it out.
So dangerous, right?

So this could easily happen.

Now let's put the sex aside, and talk on the thing that is more important than sex in the sex education. 

It is respect, when you show respect to other's choice, you are more likely to avoid the non-consent sexual intercourse. 

So, I want to ask you, what if only manners or respect education is given to the public than sex education? Won't it be great if people keep respect of other's choice in all matters than only in sex?

Teach someone about sex in any way, formal or informal, the curiosity and then hunger would always be same.

One more point I would like to highlight here is, why hunger gets created in the humans for sex?

The hunger starts when something triggers a humans sexual hunger.

And how it gets triggered?

There are many things which could trigger the sexual hunger or thoughts in human mind. One of the most popular trigger is porn. Pornograafi triggers sexual thoughts in human brain with the nude human body, and the course of action that is happening. Same kind of trigger happens by the intimate stories, B grade movies and now a days web series.

But is it limited to that thing only?
Nope, it also includes each and everyone roaming around us, their behavior, their clothing, their attitude can also act as a trigger, the intensity could be little lower than the eroticas I mentioned above.

These things, which includes one's clothing,  attitude, behavior can make that personal vulnerable of getting eye-raped(A kind of sexual visualization of that person in mind on the basis of their looks and behavior).

Though this kind of eye-rapes are not dangerous, but could lead to physical rapes or it can be dangerous for those people, who could easily be targeted.

So it becomes very important for a person not to become an eye candy, which will expose them to eye-rape situation, and don't expose your body's intimate parts, naked or even closed under tight clothes.

If you wish someone respect your opinion, you also need to respect their opinion to not get raped...

That's all, 
I know there are many things which are not clearly mentioned. But I am trying to make it more clear in upcoming blogs.

Shubham More

India need manners education not *** education (+15)

Hey all, Welcome again... Writing blog is always a hobby side of me, and most of the blogs of mine are limited to me and people near me. But...