Saturday, May 1, 2021

Case study on Blog writing


I am here again with a self thought topic, that is "Blog writing".

Today, I'm going to take you through following things:
1) My thought process before starting this blog.
2) My motivational and demotivational factors.
3) Why I have chosen "Blogger" ?
4) How things changed after writing blogs over here?

1) My thought process before blogging:
Like every geek who works in corporate world, I was living the corporate world, the team work, the meetings, the worksheets, the reports and more blah blah blah, like this. 

Due to some unseen changes that came from many things, but it's root cause was #WFH. I was getting harsh on myself. Being a night owl from the days when College was in day, and to work on academic project only night was there. I started thinking myself a player of 22-24 hours a day game. And it made me feel more worthy too. But recently, as corporate have many boundaries as well as the work make you more fatigued, you need a sleep, but night owls always be awake till late night, sometimes, early mornings. 

Similarly I was also in same phase, and what I could do between those hours which are my night owl special one's, but my work gets finished before it. Moreover due to fatigued mind, you can't even think of doing some training or learning during that period of time. So it was for me mostly like, scroll "Instagram", "Playing games"(mostly old one's as they don't make bore), and finally "listening songs".
But it was among the bad sides, and I wanted to do something worthy and something better, which I was knowing, could or couldn't made money but It would be healthy for mind and comes with great mental satisfaction.
Then,I came with the thought to start writing again the "Stories", "Poems", "Quotes" or "Shayaris".

But this was my closed chapter, as it was a clear vision that people don't expect me to write something that they will enjoy and I stopped thinking about this 4 categories.

Then a day, I was thinking while having a bath, "What if I can share my process to prevent the cold ?", But the main problem was that, I was not sure if it can be okay with all, and will it work or not. So I made it as case study. 
And that's the way I started blogging on here.

2) My motivational and demotivational factors:
Here, I will define only those factors which relate to blog writing only. 
First of all, let's start with 
a) Motivational factors:
 My biggest motivation for this blog writing was the "Case study" word. As it doesn't means what I am telling here is 100% truth, but only a research based observation presented.

The second motivation was to have a some experience that many people would have been gone through, or no one have gone through, but I used to notice them and do research on it, which makes it a "Knowledge Base" for my case studies.

Third and final motivation was the usage of free time into "mental wellness", for which I have been always searching for.

Now, let's move to
b) Demotivational factors:
 Before starting this blog, My biggest fear was, "Will people respond it ?". The reason was that, when I started two three blogs earlier, no one actually answered or reacted over it, and when those got disappeared even I was not knowing about. So that was the biggest demotivational factor.

Second factor was, "Will I get what I am looking for?". As I mentioned earlier, I was finding for a free time spent on "Mental satisfaction". So it was most necessary for me to analyse the answer for this before starting and the way people behave in current life, actually makes my smile upside down.

But finally, The motivation to put my "Knowledge Base" on a media took me to this worthy blog and It punched really hard on the faces of these two demotivational factors.

3) Why I have chosen Blogger?
In today's world there are many platforms where you can put on your sad or happy stories. But I was in need of such platform which will let me focus only on writing than any other thing.

Being user of various writing related applications, from quote writer to Story writer, I found those are making me feel distracted to something else on it, if I am going through quote writer, there were quote from others, as well as ads. 

Then I had started using "WordPress" for writing before 8-9 months, I found it good, but my more focus was on designing, than writing. So finally I remembered one application from Google which focus only on writing and very easy to use, no other things involved.

And there comes the "Blogger! ".

4) How things changed after writing a blog here?

The changes for me after I started was fantastic, I was being more loyal with me, like earlier I was just cheating my mind that okay, it's a last image on "Instagram" or The last try in "Games" or the last song for today's "Playlist".

Moreover, I started thinking for good cause, creating healthy and wealthy thoughts for myself, started making me feel great about my self and when you are in a phase of life like this, where people are surrounded with virus like "Corona" , self satisfaction is the must needed thing to keep ourselves alive. 

Apart from this, it also helps me to go to sleep a bit early than the day I don't write a blog. When I write a blog, I try to finish it, and go to sleep, but when I don't write I just scroll through, from apps, from various games, or many times, shopping sites. But it now reduced to a gradual level. 

So that's all about my journey with BLOGGER, till now,which started few days ago.

Note: Be happy, and self-motivated. It's only within you! No one can do it for you!

Take care and be safe!

And one more thing,

Comments are enabled 😉

--ShubhAM More

India need manners education not *** education (+15)

Hey all, Welcome again... Writing blog is always a hobby side of me, and most of the blogs of mine are limited to me and people near me. But...