Monday, June 27, 2022

Case study on menstruation

28 days cycle, 
More or less, but common for all the ladies from as early as 10 years of age to 50 years of age.

The need to define this is because of the severity of the pain a female is facing during those days, there is an obvious day when pain would be more, but still we can't neglect other days too.

Those 3-5 days become so critical for a female, as she need to bear all the pain.

Through some surveys, I have found that female starts feeling the cramps in the abdominal area, and the pain is continuous. 

While studying through earlier indian things and this modern things about Menstruation, I have found that, the older ways were more prominent.

The reasons to back those days:
1) Women were not allowed to enter in Kitchen, as if in case, she started feeling fatigue due to bleeding, and feel on the Chulha, or stove? That can be dangerous.

2) Women were not allowed at temples, as temple is a place where many people were used to visit, and if by any chance the infection gets spreaded(though chances are so little if we think as today's scenarios) it can affect many visitors at temple.

3) Women were not allowed to roam in home and was given a corner for those 4 days, food were provided to her by other members at home only, with one kind, this is a service to the one who serves whole family, whereas the reason behind it is similar to point no. 2.

This are the things, for which I could thought about the facts, apart from this there are many other facts for which I may try to find the reasons very soon, Those are:
1) In Menstruation, women shall not do any Puja,
2) Due to shadow of a women in Menstruation, some of the things which are put to dry like, Papad may get not become good in taste and it's color is also get bad.

This two things seems like a stupidity, but generously to say, the 2nd thing I have observed and I still have the Papad which are when roasted becomes red in color and spoiled in taste.

Before leaving, I would like to give some tips to do if you feel more pain due to cramps:
1) It is always better to smoothly rub the area where cramps are felt. 
2) Rub or move the finger near belly button which helps in relieving pain.
3) Massage the inner thighs or if you can point out and press the relaxing point on the upper back of the thigh, it will help more than just massage.

That's all for today,

Again I will be coming with interesting and helpful case study.


India need manners education not *** education (+15)

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