Monday, September 5, 2022

Case study on Exploitative crimes(15+)

Hi all,

Welcome again!

Exploitative crimes, the meaning for this is the crimes which are involving least or no intention of murder but to exploit a person in the expectation of money, greed or revenge. 

This kind of crimes mostly involves, scams, scandals, blackmailing and extortions.

The reason to talk about such crimes is to make you all aware about the kind of crimes are happening around us and the sudden rise in the suicidal cases are more of the times linked to this crimes.

Also, this kind of crimes are putting least pressure on the criminals but victim or the family of the victim get to face the challenges due to same. 

In this case, I will try to cover almost all kind of such Exploitative crimes, one by one.

So let's start,

1) Kidnapping: Kidnapping is mostly seen in movies whereas a person (doesn't matter the age) is get kidnapped and money is asked in return. Though it is happening all over world, but one thing which is more dangerous is that these kidnappings are started getting high number of the female kidnappings and even worst is that of the 18-30 years of age females are having highest numbers. The girls/women who has just started living their life are being kidnapped and being used for different purposes. 

2) Blackmailing: Blackmailing is most often used weapon by many of the people, even by normal people. But it's severity defines the harm. Blackmailing usually happens when some person get something done wrong or having something wrong with him/her and accused tries to ask for the money for not revealing what wrong he/she has done. Mostly such cases are related about relationships and sexual things. Further to talk about, it includes, extra-marital affair, work related information breach, social non-practiced sexual/asexual behavior. If such things are being done by anyone, then they become vulnerable to Blackmailing. 

3) Sextortion: This is the latest addition in the market of Exploitative crime, due to increased uses of internet, such crimes are increasing drastically. Sextortion comes from two words, Sex-Extortion, when someone is being pulled in the sexual activity online and asked for the money. Then that kind of crime is called as Sextortion.
In sextortion, a person may receive a video call request on your mobile, and once you pick the call, the accused will play some nude video clip and make a video of yours watching it using screen recording. Then sending the same, the person will be asked for the money by accused, and if said by person, that he/she won't give, the accused threatens the victim that the video will be uploaded. "Recently a famous doctor was trapped like this". It would be better to avoid video call request from any of the social media sites from any unknown person.

4) In the name of Wedding: I named this one as like this because it is such a crime in which the accused may try to get involved his/her partner in the sexual activities by promising for marriage. Such crimes are mostly seen by us, and once this kind of crime happens, even being in sexual relationship with the accused by his/her consent, victim have to put the rape charge on the accused, whereas a sex with consent is not referred as rape.

5) Rape: Rape is somethings which include abusive or sexual activity involving bodily touch against her will. Rape is mostly having the situation where the criminal minded people attack on the girls. Mostly such people are not at all in the mind to behave like a normal person. So while referring as to control the rapes men should control themselves is being told by everyone. But no one tells that, men control themselves, not the criminals do. That is the reason such things happen. Also, increasing cases are rapes are happening because, there are many changes in the social norms. Mostly, people are living for fun which gives rise to the criminal minded people, whose first and foremost priority becomes fun and they only like that to do to make themselves happy. So till people start thinking about other's too. There is no setback for increasing rape cases.

I guess, that's all for now, I hope you will try to avoid such mistakes and avoid a big loss, also I would like to tell something more, such people who get pulled in such crimes are usually trying to get out of some serious mental and behavioral issues. Though they may try their best on their own to be back in the normal stage. But unfortunately, they get in more worsened condition which creates humongous pressure for making a self harm suitable environment often ends with suicide and that person totally become helpless.


India need manners education not *** education (+15)

Hey all, Welcome again... Writing blog is always a hobby side of me, and most of the blogs of mine are limited to me and people near me. But...