Sunday, August 29, 2021

Case study on Pandemic every 100years from 1720.

I am here again, with a new case study.
This case study's topic was told by Mr. K. Bhosale, who is a Professor in an engineering college.

Some people from you might not be getting the subject or topic of this case study.
For those, "From 1720 year, after every 100 years we get into a new pandemic".

Let's explore what this all actually means.

While looking into this matter, I had recently watched a video on YouTube claiming this. The pandemic were stated as follows:

1720-The Plague
1920-Spanish Flu

Let's do an observatory analysis from current pandemic, which is Covid-19. We already know that the Covid -19 outbreak was in the month of December 2019 from Wuhan city of China.
Though claim was 2020, we can admire one months freebie for the claim, so claim can be right.

Spanish flue, The Spanish flue occurred in Spain in the year of 1918-19. So the claim gets false here.

Cholera is started in the year of 1817 from Calcutta, Which also makes it as a false statement.

Just because first known epidemic gas resemblance with the current pandemic, we can't tell it occurs every 100 years.

So the claim is false as pandemic is not occurring exactly after every 100 years.

Still we can think it as a approximate time span to have a pandemic and we can plan ourself accordingly.

But wait,

Now let's have a look on list of Pandemic occured in the last 100 years, which was the duration between Spanish flu and Covid-19.

1) Russia thypus epidemic-
Death-toll:2-3 million,
Affected areas: Russia

2) H2N2 Influenza-
Death-toll:1-4 million,
Affected areas: Worldwide

3) H3N2 Influenza (Hongkong flu)-
Death-toll:1-4 million,
Affected areas: Worldwide

Death-toll: 35+ million,
Affected areas: Worldwide

5)Swine Flu-
Duration: 2009-Present,
Death-toll: 2-3 million,
Affected areas: Worldwide

(img credit:Emory University)

From above list we can easily falsify thestatement as within last 100 years 4 pandemic had already hit the world and I can still remember the virus that were called as "Ibola".

I hope your doubts must have been cleared now about the statement made "Pandemic occurs every 100years".

As always, if more clarification needed or having extra information, put it into the comment box. You can make annonymous comments too, but beware of modification board and policies.

I would like to Thanks again to Mr. K. Bhosale, for this topic suggestion.

Thanku all🙃

--ShubhAM More

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