Thursday, April 29, 2021

case study on Stock & Share market


I am here again, with a new topic, That is "Stock market & Share market".

For this topic I got suggestion from my two friends, P. Lohkare and P. Kolhapure. 

This topic is though interesting one, but bit tricky as it depends on various factors which are not in anyone's control.

Actually the topic suggestion was for "Stock market"  but as we don't get much into the stocks and limit ourselves to shares only. I will define more about "Shares" than "Stock".

First of all,
Let's see what is the difference between, "Stock" & "Shares".

Stock: Stock is the Collection of the shares of fully paid member of a company. As I didn't ever tried to get into "Stock" I don't know more about it.

On the other hand, if we talk about "Shares", then I can share my knowledge about it with you.

Shares: A share is the minimum amount of a company's capital amout is divided into. Usually a company calculate it's capital amout based on the share price as well as the volume of shares.

Share price: Share price is the price of single share.
Volume: Volume is known as the quantity of shares a company is having in the market.

Capital amount: Capital amout = share price * volume.

So this are some terms related to share market and stock market. As stock is a bunch of shares, we will focus more on shares onwards.

Every person who try to get into share market, must know many things about it. The "Selling or buying" of a share is commonly termed as "Trading". 

There are usually two types of trading in Indian share market:
1) Intraday trading,
2) Delivery trading.

1) Intraday trading:
In Intraday trading, the share or number of shares are to be bought and sold on the same day. This kind of trading needs a market analysis and interpretation. In Intraday trading, some web app or android apps for "Share market trading" offers a logic board for you to put on the share on a buy price you think it can hit and a sell price which you think may hit the highmost or sometimes if it decreases from your buy amount, you can use stop loss facility too.
Though it have a good daily profit margins, but it's like a high risk gamble, as if you didn't analysed the market correctly, you may get loss many times than profits.
Some persons are used to this , but still prefer to try it on a low risk factor.

2) Delivery trading: 
In delivery trading, you can buy or sell one or more shares during market open hours after a day or month or year or 10 years.
The risk on this kind of trading is low, but profits can be less or more, depending on the company of which you bought the shares.

For an example, I have 1000 shares of ABC company in my holdings, which was bought at value of ₹10. And after 4 months it hits ₹18, So I sold all of them.

Now let's make the calculations:

Amount I invested: 1000 (shares)*₹10 (buy share price) = 10000

Amount I received: 1000 (shares)*₹18 (sell share price) = 18000

In above case I got 80% return in 4 months.

Now consider second case,

I bought 10 shares of XYZ at ₹1000 per shares on first Monday of a month.
In next week, I sold this at ₹1150.
Amount invested=10000
Amount received=11500
Profit= 1500
Profit %=15%.
Same week I bought 4 shares of LMN at ₹2500
On next week, sold same on 2600.
Amount invested=10000
Amount received=10400
Profit %=4%

In above two cases,

Which one got me good returns?

In case of money: The first case
In case of percentage: The first case 

But the way it looks it is not, though we got good returns in first case, but we still haven't utilised our remaining weeks of 4 months.
If I continue investing same for 4 months in second case, I may have an avg weekly profit percentage of 10%.
4months*5 weeks*10%=200%

So what matters the most in trading is the profit % within a timespan than only profit % or returns received.

From above example of this two cases, many of you must have noticed that, there are different ways we can trade the money.

From above cases, The first one is defensive player and other one is an aggressive player.

1) Defensive player: 
A defensive player usually focus on the companies which are in their loss phase and having a guarantee that they won't have more loss, then this player invest their money here and keep relaxed till it hits either maximum high the share price was gone into past or it gives a mental satisfaction to this player to stop thinking more about profit.

2) Aggressive player:
An aggressive player always pick the companies which are active by value in the market, and when this player notice a drop into the share price he/she buy the share and wait for 2-3days or a week, and see if it goes above 50-100₹ per share, then sell the share. Then again but new shares and do the same.

But in share market, you cannot predict easily, if you can be aggressive or defensive and sometimes, the companies with continuous ups and downs may go low or go high and stop there for much time .

So best way to invest in share market is to choose the Aggressive shares and Defensive share, and don't decide it as aggressive or defensive till it shows the returns on investment.

That's all for today,

If having more questions on it, you can comment.
If I have missed something please post it in comment, as it might be more useful for others too.

Thanks 🤗

--ShubhAM More

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Case study on mouth ulcers


I am here again with a new case study.
Whenever I talk about mouth ulcers, I remember two things, first is "SmileyGel" and second is "Late night work/study".

Similar to what I had told in my last post, on this issue to, I observed how my body is working and what the things it needs to take down this ulcers.

Every human body works as per natural conditions, and there are every secret hidden for the humans.

For me it was like, I was in awake state for long nights, many of the times I was used to work and study 22hours/day, So it was obvious that I was awake in nights and that was a time when I was having full stomach, nothing to do for movement of the body, and that's the point where things started worsening.

For me, following were the reasons to get mouth ulcers:
1) Staying awake till late in nights,
2) Doing less movements after heavy meals,
3) Not drinking enough water.

This things are the one's I found, but mostly those all if I do in common, like "Staying awake late in nights after a heavy dinner and not sipping water on regular intervals".

Above 3 reasons are responsible for pimples too, we can also call mouth ulcer as mouth pimples as those are growing with almost same factors. 

So the things I regularly do, to avoid mouth ulcers are:
1) First I try to avoid "Heavy and spicy food at night", 
2) If I had that then "mostly I feel sleepy, if not make myself relax and sleep early",
3)Even I cannot sleep early I use to "drink a glass (250ml) every 45 minutes.
4) Avoid excess of oil once observed first symptoms of Ulcer or Pimples too.
5) Try to keep your diet more in amount of fibers which helps in good digestion and won't allow blood to have impure elements.

The main reason I focus more on water is that, the bacteria in the mouth are mostly responsible for ulcers and when we take water, then the bacteria from mouth gets into stomach, which can be helpful in digestion but not into mouth.

From above scenario, we can easily undestand that the ulcers can not only grow with external effects but also with internal effects, such as excess of fat elements or non soluble elements get into blood stream and can cause ulcers or pimples, The internal effects can be regulated with time, but the thing we can choose on instant basis for prevention of ulcers can be drinking more water.

So drinking water regularly when you are awake in nights is the most important thing...

You can comment your own observations so that it can be helpful for others too.

Thanks all..

--ShubhAM More

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Case study on Cold and cough

It's been so long we always believe, we get cold because of going out in the rain or taking shower for a long.

But I am delighted to see a change though a small one only still it makes a good progress to take down the fact or we can say it as myths.

While observing myself from past 5 year's, I have seen that I get cold mostly in the month of May, earlier I was thinking I born in May so it would have been, but now I got the main reason for it, the reason is that "During summer days the air is always having 0% moisture and also warm, which in turn dry the nasal path, where a gland is present which used to produce mucous in nose, this mucous is a preventive substance for the allergens and viruses to not make their way into our body. The next phenomenon is that, I usually get cold when I don't drink enough water, and this actually occurs in the season of rain and winter too, So it's also a reason to have more cold into this days".

You might be thinking this guy is having runny nose all seasons, LoL. But it's not a true fact, I don't have runny nose all the time, even I don't have cold all the time, just once in a while in every season.

The next thing I would like to tell you all is that, "When we usually enters into an area which is having allergens and we are prone to it, our immune system gets activated, similarly when any virus or bacteria which may be harmful for our body, our immune system gets ready to fight against it, and first point of defense will always be the nose and then mouth,So it's obvious you may get cold or cough in the cases where virus are trying to get into your body. The sneezing is also an action of our immune system, when allergens are in nose, the immune system signals mind to throw out it from nose which is being done with the help of sneezing."

Now the main thing, How to take care of yourself against this kind of cold and cough.

The things I usually follow to prevent this is like:
1) I try to drink enough fluid daily, mostly try to hit target of 10 glasses daily (about 2000ml or 2ltr)
2) I sneez very often (actually I like it) to get the dirt, allergens and virus thrown out of nose.
3) I use mask, or try to cover nose when I think the air is too moist or too dry(Mask doesn't only prevent virus but also prevents allergens and dust).

But "What should one do once we get cold or cough"? 

The answer for me is same like above, I used to drink more amount of water, When I get cold I sneeze with more power and cough with full intensity to takeout the mucous from nose.

That's all I would like to tell you to take care of yourself against cold and cough.

"Tip: While taking fluids or normal water, take some amount of salt in water, as salt contains sodium and it regulates the water absorption in our body".

--ShubhAM More

India need manners education not *** education (+15)

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