Saturday, April 24, 2021

Case study on Cold and cough

It's been so long we always believe, we get cold because of going out in the rain or taking shower for a long.

But I am delighted to see a change though a small one only still it makes a good progress to take down the fact or we can say it as myths.

While observing myself from past 5 year's, I have seen that I get cold mostly in the month of May, earlier I was thinking I born in May so it would have been, but now I got the main reason for it, the reason is that "During summer days the air is always having 0% moisture and also warm, which in turn dry the nasal path, where a gland is present which used to produce mucous in nose, this mucous is a preventive substance for the allergens and viruses to not make their way into our body. The next phenomenon is that, I usually get cold when I don't drink enough water, and this actually occurs in the season of rain and winter too, So it's also a reason to have more cold into this days".

You might be thinking this guy is having runny nose all seasons, LoL. But it's not a true fact, I don't have runny nose all the time, even I don't have cold all the time, just once in a while in every season.

The next thing I would like to tell you all is that, "When we usually enters into an area which is having allergens and we are prone to it, our immune system gets activated, similarly when any virus or bacteria which may be harmful for our body, our immune system gets ready to fight against it, and first point of defense will always be the nose and then mouth,So it's obvious you may get cold or cough in the cases where virus are trying to get into your body. The sneezing is also an action of our immune system, when allergens are in nose, the immune system signals mind to throw out it from nose which is being done with the help of sneezing."

Now the main thing, How to take care of yourself against this kind of cold and cough.

The things I usually follow to prevent this is like:
1) I try to drink enough fluid daily, mostly try to hit target of 10 glasses daily (about 2000ml or 2ltr)
2) I sneez very often (actually I like it) to get the dirt, allergens and virus thrown out of nose.
3) I use mask, or try to cover nose when I think the air is too moist or too dry(Mask doesn't only prevent virus but also prevents allergens and dust).

But "What should one do once we get cold or cough"? 

The answer for me is same like above, I used to drink more amount of water, When I get cold I sneeze with more power and cough with full intensity to takeout the mucous from nose.

That's all I would like to tell you to take care of yourself against cold and cough.

"Tip: While taking fluids or normal water, take some amount of salt in water, as salt contains sodium and it regulates the water absorption in our body".

--ShubhAM More


sphurti said...

Cold and cough ...usually affects you with every season many...
But They were so normal before few days..but now days even enemy should not have it..

K_Bhosale said...

Good observation.

ShubhAM More said...

The seasonal change also changes water intake and body temperature, that's why mostly cold abd cough occurs then, and now-a-days, people are more prone to the normal allergens as smoke and dust were not that much harmful earlier... Even I had cold due to dust allergy which lasted 3 weeks and it was started with less water intake too.🤗

ShubhAM More said...

Thank you sir

Unknown said...

Good Observation, My cold leads to frequent headache as well, i drink warm water and try to sleep without turning fan ON.

People with sinus problems have different story.

ShubhAM More said...

Thanks, unknown person, Sinus problem are though different, sinus pain actually occurs because of sinus glands around nose, which regulates mucous into nose to prevent outer harmful bodies to enter inside.

You observed it correct, cold leads to headache, I don't know it clearly, but it must be because of low level of oxygen supply to brain, as well as the nerve impulses comes to brain.

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