Sunday, April 25, 2021

Case study on mouth ulcers


I am here again with a new case study.
Whenever I talk about mouth ulcers, I remember two things, first is "SmileyGel" and second is "Late night work/study".

Similar to what I had told in my last post, on this issue to, I observed how my body is working and what the things it needs to take down this ulcers.

Every human body works as per natural conditions, and there are every secret hidden for the humans.

For me it was like, I was in awake state for long nights, many of the times I was used to work and study 22hours/day, So it was obvious that I was awake in nights and that was a time when I was having full stomach, nothing to do for movement of the body, and that's the point where things started worsening.

For me, following were the reasons to get mouth ulcers:
1) Staying awake till late in nights,
2) Doing less movements after heavy meals,
3) Not drinking enough water.

This things are the one's I found, but mostly those all if I do in common, like "Staying awake late in nights after a heavy dinner and not sipping water on regular intervals".

Above 3 reasons are responsible for pimples too, we can also call mouth ulcer as mouth pimples as those are growing with almost same factors. 

So the things I regularly do, to avoid mouth ulcers are:
1) First I try to avoid "Heavy and spicy food at night", 
2) If I had that then "mostly I feel sleepy, if not make myself relax and sleep early",
3)Even I cannot sleep early I use to "drink a glass (250ml) every 45 minutes.
4) Avoid excess of oil once observed first symptoms of Ulcer or Pimples too.
5) Try to keep your diet more in amount of fibers which helps in good digestion and won't allow blood to have impure elements.

The main reason I focus more on water is that, the bacteria in the mouth are mostly responsible for ulcers and when we take water, then the bacteria from mouth gets into stomach, which can be helpful in digestion but not into mouth.

From above scenario, we can easily undestand that the ulcers can not only grow with external effects but also with internal effects, such as excess of fat elements or non soluble elements get into blood stream and can cause ulcers or pimples, The internal effects can be regulated with time, but the thing we can choose on instant basis for prevention of ulcers can be drinking more water.

So drinking water regularly when you are awake in nights is the most important thing...

You can comment your own observations so that it can be helpful for others too.

Thanks all..

--ShubhAM More

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