Monday, July 19, 2021

Case study on critical internet connection


I am again with a crispy topic today,

"Critical internet connection"

The reason behind this,is the varying network connection at my place. Actually I was never happy with the network or internet service that was provided here. The things were started from 2014-15 when I had Vodafone as my network provider and I was facing call drops, very slow 2G internet (not even loading Google many times) and finally No service in the signal bar.

Finally in 2019 I got Jio (Many of you may had it in 2018), So I had purchased a router of Jio and it was giving speed at my location for 8-10 Mbps. But it started lagging it's speed and I had raised my first complaint regarding network slowness in late 2019, a simple complaint through 198, which is usually a drama. 

When I had moved to my working city, I stop bothering about it, but when many of employees were asked for #WFH , I was in double mind, whether to be at home or rent any where? 

Answer was a trick, if I am going to do Work from home, means I am not worried about my food, but if I rent somewhere there are chances of homesickness, problem of food, and active corona cases. 

Finally I stayed home, and then I was to do a thing on priority, "Increase network strength", So I had started calling 198 frequently though the speed was not more but it was stable, But as I was to use servers and many connectivity prohibition I needed more data speed.

While being frustrated for this thing, I was searching for the answer on "How to make NSP to improve network strength in my area?", many options were there, but one I got was to complaint in NCH, NCH is national consumer helpline, So I have raised a complaint in there against Jio. 

After few days, I got the update on my complaint as due to more users in the vicinity the site is being overutilized.

On very next day, I had received a call from a person named Santosh and he claimed to be a person from Jio, So I had asked him all the things about the vicinity and all and he told me to go to Jio District office and file a complaint regarding this, there network team will solve in a month or 2. 

As his answer was not so confident I keep on filing complaints on NCH again and again, and also putting it on twitter.

With fortune finally I had got the call from District level Jio office, I had shared my all queries with him and asked him about every possibilities to improve the network, at start he was also telling the same, So on other side my complaints on NCH was still going on.

Finally on a day, network got suddenly dropped to Bps and I was to raise an complaint again, but this time, rather doing complaint I decided to call that person who called me from district office named as Abhishek.

When I called him, he shared me the details why the network is slow, actually that day the optic cables were got cut due to some underground works and affected around 5 districts. On the same day at evening a person named Swapnil called me and asked me, "Sir, we have done the reinforcements,can you please confirm if the speed is improved?"
I started looking at the network speed indicator it was showing around 30-40 KBps, So I had told him this speed, then he asked me to check on "Net Velocity" or through Google, I googled and tested for network speed at Ookla, it was around 17-20Mbps. It was a nice moment for me, because usually mobile network speed lies in range of 5-10Mbps, and in villages it turns to be more less than that.

On very next day, at morning, same problem occurred, network speed dropped. After calling to Abhishek, I had found that the reinforcements are done, but the cuts in the cables were remaining to be fixed. Around 1-2pm I had received call of Swapnil and he told me to check how's the network speed, and when I checked on "Net Velocity" Download speed was 35 Mbps and Upload speed was 5Mbps.

Then I had taken back all the complaints from NCH, also done a thankful tweet to Jio. But then again speed started getting slow again being normal, but this time I was always calling Abhishek or Swapnil for this.

But few days back I had to go with a dramatic situation, where I was able to see everything fine with the network, but facing connectivity issues with the servers of my job, So I tested network speed again and "Ohh god, even it matters too?" Download speed was more than 20Mbps but upload speed was not even 1Mbps. So I asked them to fix it.

And then a day came, network speed, whether upload or download, less than 1Mbps, I was having lot of work remaining and I was already facing issues with the 10Mbps network, what could I do in 1Mbps?
So I called Abhishek and he told me that the site is affected due to lightning and as it's evening it will take more time, or may be take till morning also. While checking network speed, I had observed the ping was going to Mumbai or Delhi, So it was a clear signal that the fault occurred for sure.

But I was having work and to be done before tonight, the servers were not being connected and the problem was not only with me, but with my brother for the same network provider, his mobile was even showing it in 500-800 Bps of speed. 

I was totally misbalanced and confused, It was sure by the conversation with Network provider that the reinforcements of the signal will take more than a day, So I decided to give up and gone for a break, suddenly after 5 minutes, I came back, and husssh finally I tried a thing, I turned off each and every application of my mobile, which is consuming the network, still network was not efficient, the network speed indicator was snowing 0.5 KBps to 100KBps, while network speed test was showing 0.5-0.9Mbps of speed. 

Again a disappointment, but I was stuck to my place, just like a flower to the plant, I was unknowingly pushing myself hard to try everything to get the work done, so that I won't face any tension.

I open the app settings in my mobile and started disabling and stoping the network of every application and only kept one or two necessary application going.

With little surprise to my expectations, it started working and it was absolutely working for me, I had easily joined two servers started working on it and with great surprise, it was not even getting stucked with so less network.

I then completed the work for that day till 12-12:30 am and on next day the network services resumed.

The only thing I want to say through this case study, "There are always some ways possible and if not then still try till the last ray of hope".



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