Thursday, July 15, 2021

Case study on Learning to Be Applied


I am here again with a new topic, which is interesting yet complex, which is amazing yet confusing, But when you are not confused, you are not listening from me and that's my worth 😃😃.

So let's start without wasting a Penny.

Yesterday, I was watching a Hindi Sci-fi drama serial, a thing to be noticed, that serial fascinated me in my childhood days, when I had seen its ad and then it was one day popped up in my Hotstar account, but with VIP section. There was too much passion about Sci-fi and those were the days when everyone was watching Netflix, and Prime, I was still on YouTube, and Hotstar was a medium to watch cricket matches when outside. 

So as I was fascinated in childhood and passionate in Sci-fi in young age, I had taken VIP subscription of Hotstar, and with 2months I think, I had finished it's all 5 seasons and all episodes.

Now a days, I am watching it again. While yesterday I was watching the same serial, I got a thought in my mind, "can we do anything if we learn passionately about that thing only and apply that learnings to make that anything into reality?".

The answer was still unanswered. I started thinking, "Why one cannot do anything even if that person is learning about that thing only and also applying it?".

The answer came to my mind was very simple, I can thought many things, I can assume and can make those things to learnings, even I have knowledge about various technologies.
Still I can't do many things I wanted to do. 

The answer was "Anything you want needs patience, resources and knowledge of application of learning". 

Many of you must have noticed, "How impatient I am!". That simple reason doesn't mean I don't achieve the things, though I am impatient, I put pressure on other factors and try to maximise them to achieve the things.

Let's have an example of multiplication factor.

In first case, there are 3 cans of patience 2kg each, 3 cans of resources 2kg each, and 3 chance of application 2kg each.

To not make it more complicated, I consider the materialistic value of all ingredients as same.

So we get total through all cans : 3*2+3*2+3*2=18kg

Now, let's move to my case, I have only one can of patience 2kg, but 4 cans of resources 1kg each, and 3 cans of application 3kg each.

So I get total through cans :

Now, to get those extra 3kg, I will have to increase the can. To get new extra, now it's important which one you can buy. 

Patience is very valueable, then comes resources and then application of knowledge.

As we have less valueable things as application of knowledge and resources, and I am being impatient, I will take some more resources as well as some application of knowledge as per the availability.

But if I have time, I have resources and only thing I am missing is the application of knowledge, then what will happen?
Obviously, rust may appear on the resources and you won't be doing anything as you are very much patient.

But when you have only application of knowledge,you can use the current resources to create new values from the same resources but you need the patience as well here.

Finally to say,

You need these all three,but not in more or less but within a balanced portion.

I hope this will confuse you as usual and will let you rethink about your mental power.



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India need manners education not *** education (+15)

Hey all, Welcome again... Writing blog is always a hobby side of me, and most of the blogs of mine are limited to me and people near me. But...