Thursday, March 23, 2023

Formula to ultimate Happiness 😊

Hi all,

I am Shubham, again with something to put the smile on your fearful and anxious faces.

Yeah, So today I am going to talk about how to achieve the goal of ultimate Happiness. 

To know more about it, we should first think about the murderers of the Happy feelings. 

When it come to the happiness, we often consider our happiness belongs to something or attached with something.

This is an initial signal to our mind, that works mostly like an inference engine of an AI (Inference engine has past experiences or pre-formatted data, on the basis of which it generates the conclusions.)

So, if we let our mind feel, "Hey mind, my happiness belongs to any person, any place or any other thing!", then this kind of statement is going to make a blind spot for mind, and only visibility will be for the occurrence of the belongings that you had already defined for your brain. 

Since, you put a cover on your mind to ignore everything till something special you had defined, occurs, you will always feel low and sad.

So, first murderer is DEFINITIVE APPROACH towards happiness. 

Let's move on second murderer, 

So, you might have observed, we are often scared about the beloved and belonged things or people, and often don't want them to be unhappy, or angry or in doubt, or may be to leave.

Also, there are many scenarios, which are associated with this murderer, which often comes with the negative traits and has the largest impact on a human's happiness. 

Thus the second murderer is FEAR.

Have you ever thought, what happens with the depressed people?
Depression often caused by the laziness, and laziness is the cause of lack of interest.

When we don't have interest in something we don't often do it, and if lack of interest comes in picture, then everything feels like non worthy and humans in such condition often tend to suicide.

So the third murderer is LACK OF INTEREST..

Let's come to happiness, 
As I stated earlier, till we don't find the murderers of happiness, we won't be able to talk about the formula for happiness.

The reason is simple, 
To be happy always, you should not let murderers of happiness be heavy on your thought process.

Now, let's see, how can we try to stop the murderers be effective.

1) DEFINITIVE APPROACH: To tackle the definitive approach, we will need to have many people at the same level of feeling, just like the way we love the people in our life, you shall be having multiple people in the same level group.
For example: You are having family of 3-4 people, then, you shall be having same love for them (Here I am not talking about the affection or feelings or your interaction), if we will be having same love, then seeing any single thing from that group, falling apart, leaving, then also you won't get affected more. Whereas, someone's death is a different part, and as no one will be in happy mood, it's relevant that you won't be too, but you get back from that sadness much faster with the help of family. 

For the second example: assume, a kid is having 10 toys, and his favorite toys are, truck, car and unicorn, then comes, small playable toys, If we takeout truck, he will play with car and unicorn, if we pick both, unicorn and truck, then he will play with car, but if we take out all big toys and give small toys, he may cry.

Being human, definitive approach was and will always be our priority, but not keeping it's quantity more, will hurt when there is no replacement for the same.

Here, it shall be understood, that while mentioning quantity more, I am not saying you shall have more partners, but you can have friends, your family with the same level of love, do care, do love them.

2) FEAR: Many of the times we have heard FOMO, what it is? Fear Of Missing Out.
But that is not the only fear, there are many fears.
Fear to death, fear to be hated, fear to get scold, fear to get failed, fear to get rejected, fear to loss, etc.

To tackle the fear, there is a need to address many things. Following are few things, which are needed to be practiced:
1) Transparency: Transparency is something very easy to achieve, if there are not other intentions involved as having multiple intentions will create conflict. The reason I placed transparency over trust is that, transparency can generate the trust.
2) Trust: Though there is transparency, it doesn't mean trust can be there always, trust can be generated with transparency but, only when transparency is not having conflict. So, to be more happy, we shall have trust on each other. To make above-mentioned things more clear, Trust and Transparency go hand in hand. If one is broken, second will start falling apart.
3) Approach: What shall be to do with approach, approach is how you handle the fear? Talking about me, I have many times faced Fomo, but it was never ever so heavy, because though it was only me facing in my surrounding, I was always knowing, it's not only me who is missing out but many are there, and missing out on bad things for happiness shall not be a fear as well, right? So apporach makes a big difference as well. 

One more fear, which we had always seen is fear of dark, that time, if we try to illuminate the room we can take care of it, or else just go to sleep, and keep your mind at rest. 
This way "approach" plays it's role...

That's all as of now,

I will keep on adding on it, just how the life progress 🙌 

-Shubh_A_M More

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Case study on importance of channeling

We see lots of water flows, here and there, till it goes through rivers, it comes as a source for life but when the same water goes out of the river, it comes with destruction, life starts feeling totally shattered. 

Same way, everything needs to be through its dedicated way. 
An Electric energy shall go through insulation, else shock can be a common thing.
A vehicle shall run on its dedicated way, else accidents and deaths can be a common thing.

When we go through above examples, we find there is a way that every thing must follow to maximize its uses and minimize the destruction. 

That way I refer as Channel.

Yes, channel, just a narrowed perspective for something, so it shall be in limits and have maximum utilization of it in the creation, building rather than destruction.

There are many things, not only water and electricity, which needs to be in their narrowed limits, to maximize its usage for value building. Also, doing that so with whatever we have, we can directly make it easy for ourselves to survive that condition.

Take an example of social media, it is the most powerful thing in this era. I am also addicted to it and you know you are as well. But my addictio to it can create great benefits whereas you may find it disturbing. 

The reason is simple, channeling is not done, still the spectrum you of data you receive on your social media is spread in wide area, it is still in scattered form, also it has toxins like unhealthy and unreal things. But when you start channeling it, put barriers to bad things, keep on using social media for particular thing, in narrowed spectrum helps us to utilize it more nicely.

I think that's it for now,
I hope you will start the channeling now and get good results from whatever the things you are using, even your life 😉


Case study on Women objectification(15+)

Hi all, 

I am here again with another topic,

Yes, and sorry, but this are the "bitter bites" important for this generation. Even with so much education we keep on committing mistakes and following the finely crafted path which is the main source of high income for many brands, organizations and personal entities. 

Yes, I could easily say it as finely crafted, the reason is pretty simple, women's independence is highly associated with what we call as fashion, an independent woman can easily spend around 50 dollars atleast on makeup and beauty related things, around a 100 dollars on dresses and 30-50 dollors on other items, per year. Yet these costs mentioned are the lowest. I am not mentioning the women who are dependent won't do all these, they are do as well, but those women come later in the part. 

Yes, the independent women, who starts finding the ways to make themselves standout try on pouring the magic of their beauty, else enhanced beauty (with load of makeup) or nudity(don't get offended but it is indeed).

But, problem is not with standing out, even everyone tries to standout in public, but when a women tries it, it may lead to something we call as "Women objectification".

Yes, women objectification, women who are there, trying to standout, are often being seen in such way that makes hers vulnerable to human eyes.

Yes, and if you are thinking making them live the way they wanted to stand out, or women who are by themselves are thinking wearing this, doing that is gonna make them standout, then you are referring to standing out in their heads for your body, your aesthetics, but not because of your knowledge, or your efforts.

Yes, you might have seen, why we need a female at reception, because she talks smoothly? No, she is attracting the people, she is going to talk nicely to customers so that it will help in managing any small issues happen at the place, if someone is attracting customers for you, won't you think it is women objectification?

Not only this, but many things, which these feminists groups started taking a stand for are itself promoting women objectification, but no one talks about it.

Women are mostly utilized in many organizations, for their beauty and not for talent, also the events and many things that happen, women are in need to create an attentive aura. Women herself plays an important role in this by doing many things which are though so not much needed.

Just like putting on lots of makeup, lipstick, shades, gloss, and what not. Thinking about the beauty is other thing, but doing this so to get the value you could never get or may get but still doing this to just attract the mass. I am sorry, you are doing a thing, which is not necessary.

You needed to take the help of this kind of things, like makeup, nudity, even being beautiful you needed to trick the humans in the society, What else we can call as "Women objectification "????

(These are my personal thoughts, which are aligned to certain calculations on the basis of current scenarios).

That's all for today,

India need manners education not *** education (+15)

Hey all, Welcome again... Writing blog is always a hobby side of me, and most of the blogs of mine are limited to me and people near me. But...