Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Case study on importance of channeling

We see lots of water flows, here and there, till it goes through rivers, it comes as a source for life but when the same water goes out of the river, it comes with destruction, life starts feeling totally shattered. 

Same way, everything needs to be through its dedicated way. 
An Electric energy shall go through insulation, else shock can be a common thing.
A vehicle shall run on its dedicated way, else accidents and deaths can be a common thing.

When we go through above examples, we find there is a way that every thing must follow to maximize its uses and minimize the destruction. 

That way I refer as Channel.

Yes, channel, just a narrowed perspective for something, so it shall be in limits and have maximum utilization of it in the creation, building rather than destruction.

There are many things, not only water and electricity, which needs to be in their narrowed limits, to maximize its usage for value building. Also, doing that so with whatever we have, we can directly make it easy for ourselves to survive that condition.

Take an example of social media, it is the most powerful thing in this era. I am also addicted to it and you know you are as well. But my addictio to it can create great benefits whereas you may find it disturbing. 

The reason is simple, channeling is not done, still the spectrum you of data you receive on your social media is spread in wide area, it is still in scattered form, also it has toxins like unhealthy and unreal things. But when you start channeling it, put barriers to bad things, keep on using social media for particular thing, in narrowed spectrum helps us to utilize it more nicely.

I think that's it for now,
I hope you will start the channeling now and get good results from whatever the things you are using, even your life 😉


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